Saturday, November 14, 2015

Discussion of The Book Thief

We met Thursday to discuss The Book Thief.

In attendance were:


Most of us completed the book, and everyone who completed the book enjoyed the read. We set aside 6 weeks for this read as the page count was over 600 pages, but the book is a very fast read. Mary and Dave both completed it within a few days.

The discussion was a little light on this book. There are publisher book club questions, and we did consider a couple of those, but the discussion never really took off.

We spent quite a bit of discussion time on what we want to read after L Frank Baum's "The Life and Adventures of Santa Clause". We seemed to collectively settle on history or biography, but there isn't anything on the current list that appeals. It seemed figures from the american revolution held the most appeal, but several other suggestions were offered including a biography of Custer.

Dave will put four new entries on the list that are biographies or histories, and others should send emails or comment below, with suggested history or biography books they are interested in for December into January.

Our next meeting is scheduled for 3 December, to discuss L Frank Baum's "The Life and Adventures of Santa Clause".